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What is a fragrance diffuser?A fragrance diffuser is a devise that slowly delivers scent into the environment. Some diffusers require electricity, whereas Cutie Patootie diffusers do not. Our diffusers work on the premise of a “Reed Diffuser” whereby the reeds are replaced by a wooden cap. The oil mixture within the bottle is gently tipped into the porous wooden cap and the scent is then dispersed. When a re-fresh of the scent is desired, simply tip the bottle gently to add more oil.
What products are used in the production of the fragrance diffusers?The diffusers contain essential, nature identical essential, and/or fragrance oils. All of the aforementioned oils are perfume/cosmetic grade and are approved by the Food and Drug Act. The scented oils are blended with high quality oils that are specifically formulated for diffusing purposes. Additionally, intensely pigmented colourants are combined with all of the oils. Please Note: All fragrance oils are paraben-free, phthalate-free, gluten-free, nut-free, and vegan. Additionally, the diffusing oil ingredients are non-carcinogenetic.
What is the bottle made of?The diffusing bottle is made of thick glass and the stopper is made of plastic. The cap is made from porous wood, and the hanging string is made from cotton/polyester fibers.
Can I wear the fragrances on my skin?The fragrance/diffusing oil mixture is not recommended for topical application or ingestion. Albeit the scented oils are perfume/cosmetic grade, they require blending with especially formulated oils for topical application.
How long will the oil mixture last?If you re-fresh your scent by way of gently adding oils into the wooden cap every 7-10 days, the diffusers should provide two solid months of long-lasting and continuous fragrance.
Are the diffuser bottles re-fillable?Yes, indeed the bottles can be re-filled and it will also save you money. Simply select the re-fill option when placing an ordering. It is recommended that you re-fill with the same scent as the porous wooden cap will contain residual oil/scent from the original mixture.
What is the volume of oils contained within the fragrance diffuser?Each diffuser contains10ml’s of high quality and specially formulated oils.
Can I buy the fragrance diffusers in bulk, and for a reduced price?"Absolutely, if you are looking to purchase multiple diffusers, for example: wedding favours. Please contact us outlining your specific requirements. Please factor in extra time should special supplies be required to satisfy your order.
Is it possible to pick-up products from a bricks and motar location, thus saving on S&H fees?"With the high costs associated with S&H, a penny saved, is indeed a penny earned. Pick-ups can occur from a secure physical location within St. Thomas, Ontario Canada. Prior to ordering, simply make your request known by using the "Contact" tab. Please allow time for a formal response whereby pick-up arrangements will be mutually confirmed.
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